Wednesday 8 December 2010

Betsy Walton's Sparkly Places

I've got a fascinating project on the go that gives me the excuse to trawl the internet for lovely new artists I'd otherwise have never known of. Through my trip, I'm finding some really beautiful stuff and I hope to post more of it on here as I go, but this one I found the other day, stunning. These watercolours are done by an artist based in Portland called Betsy Walton, I totally recommend her website Its not often I find myself looking through a portfolio feeling spoilt for choice.

If you're like me and you find yourself coveting this, get your fix here Hope to post again soon, will defiantly be refurbing, this background cityscape thing is too loud. Distracts me from the pretty paintings :P 

Monday 25 October 2010


Winter Arts Fairs

The second Handmade and Vintage fair is coming up this November! I had a great time selling in the first one run in May. Milton Keynes is a little lacking of buzzing whimsical events and this was the first I went to in a while that had me genuinely excited to dig through fellow stall holders wears. Come see, it was heaving last time and this ones spreading to three floors worth of handmade and preloved ownables. Great for Christmas pre-planners and people with an itchy wallet.

Little Canary will also be setting up at the AGS Art and Craft Show in Aylesbury on the 20th of November. This is an annually run event, held in the Main Hall of Aylesbury Grammar School showcasing artworks and crafts from Buckinghamshire and beyond. It's a new one for us but tales of previous years have us eager to participate. Feather crossed. 

Spring Animation Workshops
I'm also really excited to say that a friend and I have recently secured funding to run animation workshops in Spring 2011. We've been searching for the means to do a project together for a while now and to finally have the support to collaborate is fantastic. We're planning it to be a variant of Pixilation -brilliantly exemplified through this lovely music vid
My co-conspirator Tara's experiences stem from self-directed dance and encouraging participants in her group sessions to explore their own choreography in a very free and fluid environment. Her film "Surface" is for me, a lovely demonstration of her exploritory means of expression.
Mixing our two minds together to animate other peoples energy has my toes tingling in excitement. Will have to see what our test films reap...

Wednesday 15 September 2010


If anyone happens to read this, hello. I'm new and disorientated. Not a blogger at all but when I've got some free time and something of note I want to share, come have a looksie :)

Until then, maybe take a look through my Etsy shop I'm expecting things I write will be about my adventures in textile arting, much of which will probably be on sale there.

I'm also an animation fanatic. I've been making them for a while and like chasing up on the new stuff that's out and about too... Illustration too..  in fact why am I drawing lines- most nice art gets my attention and I like the idea I can scrap book it all together here for myself as much as anyone else.

Ok well speak soon I hope.